This is Appify!

A simple base to start and build your next minisite.

Just clone it from github and start building

It starts with a really simple gulp configuration to let you speed up your development process, you will find connect, to start a web browser, gulp-sass and autoprefixer to give superpower at your css. (Man, I love sass! And if it comes with autoprefixer... I just can't get enough.).

Basically all you need to do is: Download or clone the project from github, run npm install to have your npm ready and start coding!

The html structure is easy.

You will find a header with a div to let you add your logo and a simple navigation on the right.
Then you have a div with .content class where you should put all the content that your page will need and a script section at the end.

The header is where the magic happens, links there have an EventListener added to let Appify take care about the navigation. Javascript add an .active class comparing browser url and link href and it gets the header background-color directly from the data-color attribute.

Basically when you request a new page from header section's link instead of a normal http request you will fire an XMLHttpRequest (vanilla js). Appify will get the body part of the page, it'll cut header and script section and then requested page.content section will replace the first one.

What are you waiting for? Get it on github: and tell me what you think @_denb

To be done: